Seeding Season is Here!

Late summer into fall is the best time of the year to seed a Flawn! As heatwaves end and regular rains return a prime window of opportunity opens for a couple months to prep, seed, and establish a Flawn before winter. Find out more by reading the full article on our blog.

What customers are saying...

Shipped fast, nice packaging and a brochure with advice! Thank you! Leah

Great product! We just purchased our second batch because we love how the first batch is growing. Christina

Fantastic! Arrived quickly, and clovers are already beginning to sprout. Jenae

There's no need to remove your grass!

Simply mow your grass as short as possible, lightly rake to loosen the soil, then spread the seed over the lawn. Read the full installation and maintenance instructions here.

What does a Flawn look like?

Flowering lawns can look different depending on how often and at what height they are mowed as well as what varieties you decide to add. Growing conditions such as light, moisture, and soil conditions also play a role. See more pictures on our Blog.

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View more videos on YouTube.

Doing More Good

5% of every order supports our Share the Seed Movement!

Learn More
  • Site Prep

    "I lowered the mower to the shortest setting and mowed over everything twice, then raked to remove any thatch layer so the soil is exposed."

  • Ready to Seed!

    "My grass clippings and thatch have been raked off to the side so I can see the soil. I put the clippings on after seeding to act as a mulch."

  • Seeded, Watering!

    "Definitely easy to spread seeds using the convenient shaker. Watering daily for the first few weeks is most important."

  • Seeds are Sprouting!

    "I see the first signs of life just four days after seeding!"

  • Beautiful Clover!

    "Three weeks after seeding and with regular watering the clover is growing very well."

  • Clover, Creeping Thyme & Self-Heal

    "All three varieties in the Flawn Seed Kit Bee Lawn Mix are filling in well after ten weeks."

  • Thick Clover!

    "All grown up in under three months, the clover supplies my lawn with nitrogen so I don't have to fertilize anymore!"

  • Creeping Thyme Blooming in 12 Weeks!

    "By mid-summer my Flawn was buzzing with happy bees!"

Request a Free Measurement

Not sure what size your lawn is or want only a portion of your lawn measured? Fill out the form below and we will email you your lawn size along with a screenshot of your property so you can confirm it is correct.

Note: Recently built homes may not have satellite imagery yet and we may not be able to measure your property remotely.